Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Worst movie ever seen....


the other
day Annemieke and myself were watching a movie. This movie was so
incredibly bad, that it made me decide to write a small blog entry for
it. And when I thought about that, something else popped to my mind.
Why don't I give a small review of all the bad movies? Well, I might.
Anyways, the movie was called:

My name is Bruce (2007)
The movie tells a story about a returning Chinese WarLord who kills all inhabitants of a little village. An actor, Bruce Campbell,
believes it to be his birthday present, whereas the villagers actually
think he is a real hero. A lot of cliches, a lot of overacting and
unbelievably bad scenes.

Again, very, very bad. So, what is the latest bad movie you wouldn't recommend to anyone lately you've seen?

Ciao, Werner.

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