Tuesday, 17 March 2009

He's just not that into you...

Hi y'all,

I have received as a response to one of my previous
blog's: please don't look at crappy movies anymore. It saves double
time... 1x watching, 1x writing a blog about it. Well, I can write also
about movies who aren't the crappiest ones of their genre, but regular
ones. Yesterday Annemieke, some friends and myself found ourselves
(deliberately) in a - let's say - "girl-movie" called: He's just not that into you.
With the risk of upsetting all sorts of male and female people here my criticism.

movie tells a couple of connected storylines, which in the end aren't
related at all. Why the writer/ director chose to do so beats me. The
most important storyline is the one of a girl who doesn't grasp the way
men work when it comes to dating and relation ships. Clinging onto all
sorts of signs of interest she throws herself at opportunity to date/do
the guy. Until she meets someone who explains how it works.

let me tell you: if you're above 25 and still have no clue how dating
works, then you'll never will. Which is fine, I'm not judging. I
believe that the insight you have of being you and how you deal with
dates is equally true for the 'other side'. The world of men isn't
divided into 2 parts: the good and the evil.
Men are all evil and
that's why we're good. Cautioned by my own experience and inside dialog
I can only say: yes, we like one night stands (although I never had the
pleasure), yes, we are inconsiderate of others because what really
counts is me, me, me. and yes, when and if we've found that special
other that makes us forget all what is good and evil you can't un-learn
25 years of being what you really are. and don't no-one deny that women
feel the same, because it is human nature for both sexes.

If anyone feels the urge to beat me or call me for a terrific night: my email is known.

Ciao, Werner.

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