Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Seven Pounds

3.5 Kilo. That's the amount of chocolate I ate during this movie. It is a compelling movie and yet not as heart ripping as "I am legend". Why mention the latter? Simpy because Will Smith wants to, and actually is doing so, develop as a serious actor.

left in the dark and slowly throughout the movie, mainly via means of
flashbacks but also some of the events themselves, are shown why this
IRS man seems to help everyone whilst getting more miserable each time
he does.

I found the movie quite all right, no weeping but frog
in my throat kind of material. It is a definite YES, you should watch
this one. It will make you think about the actions, or lack of, you've
taken to help others and yourself and what sacrifice really means. Not
talking about sharing my chocolate bar with the misses...

Ciao, Werner.

He's just not that into you...

Hi y'all,

I have received as a response to one of my previous
blog's: please don't look at crappy movies anymore. It saves double
time... 1x watching, 1x writing a blog about it. Well, I can write also
about movies who aren't the crappiest ones of their genre, but regular
ones. Yesterday Annemieke, some friends and myself found ourselves
(deliberately) in a - let's say - "girl-movie" called: He's just not that into you.
With the risk of upsetting all sorts of male and female people here my criticism.

movie tells a couple of connected storylines, which in the end aren't
related at all. Why the writer/ director chose to do so beats me. The
most important storyline is the one of a girl who doesn't grasp the way
men work when it comes to dating and relation ships. Clinging onto all
sorts of signs of interest she throws herself at opportunity to date/do
the guy. Until she meets someone who explains how it works.

let me tell you: if you're above 25 and still have no clue how dating
works, then you'll never will. Which is fine, I'm not judging. I
believe that the insight you have of being you and how you deal with
dates is equally true for the 'other side'. The world of men isn't
divided into 2 parts: the good and the evil.
Men are all evil and
that's why we're good. Cautioned by my own experience and inside dialog
I can only say: yes, we like one night stands (although I never had the
pleasure), yes, we are inconsiderate of others because what really
counts is me, me, me. and yes, when and if we've found that special
other that makes us forget all what is good and evil you can't un-learn
25 years of being what you really are. and don't no-one deny that women
feel the same, because it is human nature for both sexes.

If anyone feels the urge to beat me or call me for a terrific night: my email is known.

Ciao, Werner.

Destroying data....

As most of you know I try to keep all data I ever laid my eyes on. Of
course my own data in the form of emails, documents, etc. But also
software I had the pleasure of being allowed to use from other owners.
My software and content database is therefore quite extensive. Lately
this has become a problem, It is so much that I have had a hard time
finding specific content, pictures, screensavers, tools, etc.

Catalogue program
why don't I use a program to catalog all of it then? I already do so, I
can recommend it too by the way, It is called: Where is it? However, it
does not solve the issue of finding the actual cd or dvd (nowadays). My
CDRom collection is over 350, and DVDRom's well, a small 100. Try
finding that 1 disc that has that specific tool on it...

have spent a significant amount of time of re-organizing all DVD's and
managed to reduce them to ~ 40. This tells you already how little real
data people put on a large medium. Just because they can. (I have to
think about people doing groceries in their Mercedes whilst a smaller
car would be more suitable and uses half the gasoline). Of course I
compressed (rar'd, zipped, 7z'nd) the created data per DVD/CD image; a
so called .iso, which makes the 1.2Gb set of files fit into a 200 Mb
.iso.zip file. I also managed to do the same with all CDRom's.
Interestingly enough this enabled me to put those 350 CDRom's onto
(iso.zipped files) 21 DVD's. In all the pile of 450 discs is now
reduced to a slim 65. I can only recommend this. As I was thinking
about the option of buying a blueray disc player and burner (being able
to fit 5 DVD's on 1 Blue ray) it would mean the whole collection of
data/software sine 1992 - 2008, to fit on 15 Blue ray discs.

The problem
is it not? This is however not the reason for writing this blog. This
is just the elongated introduction of what's to come. Namely: I have
450 discs to throw away, but would you just throw your personal
data/email/software/pictures etc. into the waste bin for anyone to pick
it out and use your 1996 nude pictures as their desktop background? Or
publish your document diary as a new best selling novel? I don't think
that that is a good idea, but now to the real problem arises. How do
you destroy these plastic discs?

the internet a couple of pages are dedicated to this disc desctruction
via the means of microwave. Auch: tried it: happy I didn't blow up the
microwave. I would still like to be able to heat up my coffee (that
reminds me: darn, cold again) and defrost the meat. Although nice
effects, hardly a way of dealing with 450 discs.

although not found anywhere, Annemieke and myself thought of melting
the discs making them unreadable, or at least people would be unable to
insert them in to a dvd/cd player. The oven apparently does not produce
sufficient heat (ours goes up to 250 Celsius). Darn. Then I remembered
that for removing old paint from wood we have an airgun that goes up to
800. Don't try this at home kids...
Well, on a tile floor I managed
to have success with it and in 30 minutes disabled 8 discs. Wauw, that
would mean 450/4 * 60 = 112 hours. I don't seem to be able to clear
that much time in my schedule.

The scissors
what else is mentioned in the online world, what are user experiences?
(The lack of proper ones made me write this loooong blog for you).
Using a scissor or a shredder. I can tell from own experience that
regular scissors don't work. And shredders aren't meant for plastic or
this thickness. There are special shredders but they cost a fortune.

about simply breaking? Yup, tried that too, and almost lost an eye and
my right pinky... Dangerous depending on the brand of CDRom. I found
that printed discs become corrose after heating them, but don't break
as easily. Cheap CDRecordabels can be broken, however snap into
undefined fragments that are hazardous.

A 'workable' solution
since I had to destroy these lasting remembrances: I thought of another
way of splicing them: garden scissors. They are more robust and need
little power to snap these discs in 2, or more parts, and in a
controlled way.

I wonder if anyone has had difficulty or
experiences in deleting these discs. Living near an incinerator oven
can also have it's benefits I guess....

Cya, Werner.

Worst movie ever seen....


the other
day Annemieke and myself were watching a movie. This movie was so
incredibly bad, that it made me decide to write a small blog entry for
it. And when I thought about that, something else popped to my mind.
Why don't I give a small review of all the bad movies? Well, I might.
Anyways, the movie was called:

My name is Bruce (2007)
The movie tells a story about a returning Chinese WarLord who kills all inhabitants of a little village. An actor, Bruce Campbell,
believes it to be his birthday present, whereas the villagers actually
think he is a real hero. A lot of cliches, a lot of overacting and
unbelievably bad scenes.

Again, very, very bad. So, what is the latest bad movie you wouldn't recommend to anyone lately you've seen?

Ciao, Werner.

Lekker ziek op de bank...

Iedereen kent
het wel, iemand in je directe omgeving is ziek en besmettelijk, maar
jij denkt dat het jou niet zal treffen. Dat kan zijn omdat je denkt dat
je zo gezond leeft dat een bakterie onmogelijk een kans maakt jou ook
ziek te maken, of het kan zijn omdat je degene geloofd wanneer die zegt
dat het niet meer besmettelijk is.
Twee dagen later lig je halfdood
op de bank met 21 lege theeglazen voor je en de 3de herhaling van As
the World Turns die je toch maar op het gezet zodat je nog wat
afleiding hebt.

En naar vind ik al helemaal de mensen die na 1
dag denken weer genezen te zijn. Vooral als je op zaterdag ziek bent
geworden, dan moet je maandag echt wel weer naar werk kunnen. Ook
wanneer de dokter zegt een weekje rust te nemen kun je prima na 2 dagen
alweer stilletjes beginenn. Je voelt je toch prima?

Pas als het
echt mis gaat, dan is men de wijsheid zelve en erkent men dat zoiets
echt uitgeziekt moet worden met fatsoenlijk en regelmatig eten, geen
buitensporige aktiviteiten en veel rust. Accepteren dat je lichaam ziek
is, hulp nodig heeft om te herstellen en dus doen wat het van je vraagt
zit er bij de "gewone" kwaaltjes gewoon niet meer bij. Pas als je een
drieubbele kniebreuk met een hernia hebt, terwijl je geen eten kunt
binnenhouden, dan is het ok, en kun je je wel ziek melden.

vind het jammer dat in onze rijke wereld het vaak zo is dat ziek zijn
een teken van zwakte is en gebrek aan loyaliteit aan alles om je heen,
terwijl eigenlijk het een teken is van 'ik ben ook een mens, netzo als
Ik ga in ieder geval proberen om te genieten van het ziek zijn, eens kijken hoe dat bevalt.

Uche, uche, uche...


Webloggen... & Hooirtkoorts

Ik ben nooit
zo iemand geweest die graag weblogs schrijft. De startpagina van mijn
eigen website laat dat zien, nog steeds een plaatje van Carnaval. Maar
goed, hier dan mijn eerste blog. Hebben julie ook zo'n last van de
pollen en grassprieten enzo om je heen? Ik wordt helemaal gestoord, kan
nauwelijks ademhalen en praat erg nasaal! Slapen is ook niet echt
rustig en samen in een bed liggen werkt niet zo daar ik ongeloofelijk
had snurk.

Ik ben nu bij de KNO arts geweest en die heeft verteld dat al mijn
vliezen, membramen en wat dan ook alles onwijs opgezwollen is. Dus ik
heb nu extra medicatie gekregen, extra sterk en extra veel. En nu hopen
dat het werkt. Het enige is dat ik al bijwerkingen merk. Het is een
kuur gebaseerd op cortizone....


Ciao, Werner.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Fedora 7 to 10

To keep my current mail and website system secure and up to date I needed to test the upgrade of Fedora 7 x32 to Fedora 10 x32, the current stable Fedora distribution. I write the x32 to indicate that I am running the 32-bit version rather than the x64 version, which addresses memory blocks twice as fast.

My development machine is my workstation, with a second harddrive; specifications below

  • AMD Athlon 64 3400+ (2,2Ghz)

  • 2GB Ram

  • 80Gb Maxtor UDMA5 7200rpm harddisk

  • ATI Sapphire HD3650 512MB Videocard
